If you've been around this blog a time or two, you've certainly learned that photos, memories, and stories aren't just cute little extras that some people like to play with. They are actually crucial parts of self-care and well-being, play an important part in stress relief and happiness, and have actually been shown in studies to be the best thing you can do for your kids.
If you'd like to know exactly how photos, memories, and stories improve emotional well-being, provide perspective for your life's events, and even help in healing from grief, you can spend several hours here at the blog reading. And you're welcome to!
Or, you can peek in at this presentation I was asked to give at a Photos & Memories Boot Camp a few weeks ago.
Based on the comments I received afterwards, I think you're going to love what you learn here in only 27 minutes. So sit back with a yummy drink and learn how photos, memories, and stories improve emotional well-being. Then leave a comment about what you learned here that has encouraged you.
When you're ready to make this a reality in your life, click here to get started. I'm here to help!