Friday, July 5, 2024

P.S. Your Social Media Isn't Actually Yours

 I don't think we can be reminded of this too often.

We call it "MY Facebook account" or "MY Instagram account," but it isn't really.  This matters the most, I think, when we think we can use social media as our photo storage.

I had a slap-in-the-face reminder recently that my social media accounts don't really belong to me, and it's *the perfect* example of why we shouldn't count on it for anything, really, but especially not our precious photos and videos.  Let me tell you what I mean. 

Why Your Social Media Isn't Really Yours

It's got your name on it.  You log in to it with your own password and username.  You post and share whatever you want to.  It kind of seems like it's yours, right?

Not at all.

Social media is run by algorithms and advertising.  Like when you Google "swimsuit coverup" and then you see ads on Facebook for swimsuit coverups.   It's also--thankfully--run with some standards.  I'll use Facebook as an example.  Facebook has Community Standards which state that you can't post hate speech, threats, nudity, cybersecurity risks, etc.  I love this.  This is great.

But when Facebook determines that you have gone against Community Standards, they don't ask you about it.  They just remove your content.  This happened to a colleague recently. 

Poor Cheryl. 

It seems to me that posts like these are not removed by real people (employees) who have read the posts.  It appears to me to be a bot thing, or an AI thing.  It happened on a massive scale to a company in Australia.

Which leads us to the crux of this blog post--the whole reason I want to share with you that your social media isn't yours.  

It's easy to assume that social media will always be there, and that we have control over what we are posting.  Because of that, it's easy to think that it's a great place to store our photos and videos.

Please.  Do.  Not.

Social Media IS NOT Photo Storage

Social media is set up to connect people, but there's a good deal of advertising and other things behind it.  That doesn't make it evil, it just makes it something we need to be aware of.  

I wrote in this article that there are three main reasons we should not think of (or treat) social media as cloud photo storage.  Read all the details there, but the main points are:
  1. Social media sites can change policies, shut down their sites, and--as we have learned--delete your posts.  As I'll explain in the next section, it's more than just deleting your posts; you may not even be able to access your account if a social media site flags something you've posted, even if they are mistaken in doing so.
  2. Social media sites compress the size of your photos so they're easily accessed from the site.  (That's why you can scroll social media fast--you don't have to wait for photos or videos to load.)  Great for them, bad for you if you ever want to download those photos back (which they don't actually guarantee you'll be able to do).
  3. Despite your privacy settings, your photos and videos aren't necessarily private.  Other people might not be able to see them, but the social media site can.  Your images and posts are subject to data mining, which is the process of sorting through data to identify patterns, which they use to their benefit.  Again, the reason you Google "swimsuit coverup" and find ads for them on Facebook.

Social media is one of the most precarious and dangerous places to "store" our photos and memories.

And so we should know that!

It Happened to Me: My Experience

I really love social media for sharing inspiration and information about photos, stories, videos, memories, scrapbooks, and more.  I get to post things like this

and this

and this!

But in May, something like the Australian Humanitix error happened to me.

I got messages like this, repeatedly, for days.

And it wasn't just me.  Like Humanitix, some bot thought that all Facebook posts related to Forever, the company I love and use and recommend for memory-keeping, were a cybersecurity threat.  

You know, those posts about photos and family memories and making connections through photo-memory books and how good they are for your heart and soul.

It affected all pages and posts, including corporate ones.  

I couldn't access my Photo and Story Treasures Facebook page for a few days, and I contested the posts with Facebook.  However, I have no idea if they ever saw or cared about what I sent them.  I'm confident, however, that the only reason it "only" took a few days for my posts to be restored is because Corporate was involved.

And then it moved to my Instagram account.  My account was COMPLETELY inaccessible.  All I could see was that it appeared to remove all my followers šŸ˜° and even everyone I was following.  

I emailed Instagram about it and heard nothing back.  I waited a week and then Googled how to contact Instagram about problems with your account, but all of the suggestions required you to access it through your Instagram app, and by then it was just a black screen for me (not even what you see above).  I couldn't access it AT ALL.  

I guess that's just too bad for me. 

I couldn't contest their decision that my posts were "bad" since I couldn't even login, but about 3 weeks later my account was somehow back up and running.  Who knows why.  Their timetables, their decisions--not mine.

And it's not even because any of my posts actually went against any of their community standards or I shared inappropriate links.  It was because one of their bots thought I did.

I knew it before, but this is the day I really learned it:

My social media is not mine.

Anything can happen at any time, and there's nothing I can do about it.  It is entirely out of my control.  Social media doesn't owe me anything.  It's a free service with absolutely no promises to me at all.

But I'm glad that at least I know.

Here's What We CAN Do

If you want to make sure your photos, videos, and memories are always accessible and are both private and secure, you're not looking for social media.  You're looking for a company with public interest where you're a shareholder in the vision to keep your photos and videos safely stored in the cloud, guaranteed yours for generations to come.

It's why I use and recommend what I use and recommend.

Plus, with Forever I can "store" my photos in print, too, like photo experts recommend.  The quality is unbeatable (literally) and I get to make make photo-memory books my way (with another option for people who prefer quick & easy without having to spend a long time learning a computer program)!

NOTE:  I am a Forever affiliate (a decision I made because I love it so much), so you will find affiliate links in this post, from which I earn a commission if you make a purchase, at no extra cost to you.

I hope you never go through what I went through with social media or what Cheryl went through.  The debacle with Facebook mistaking a legitimate business website is one thing, but remember--the first post I shared with you here was from Cheryl who got the same actions against her from Meta based on sharing family photos in a private group and what ice cream flavor she likes.  

I really don't think there are real people looking at individual posts to use their brains to determine if a post goes against a policy or not.  I'm sure it's a sweep involving bots, algorithms, and probably AI, but if they make a mistake, it's YOUR problem.  Because your social media isn't yours.  It's theirs. 

All I'm saying is: don't trust your photos, videos, and memories to it without making sure they're also somewhere that's safe, protected, and private.  

Get started here, and then share this post with someone you care about using the share buttons at the left, or this Pinnable image for Pinterest.  This is something EVERYONE needs to know!  šŸ’™

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Friday, June 7, 2024

Your Story: It's More Important Than You Think

We often think of pictures as nothing more than fun, but did you know that the preserving of photos and stories and memories (or "memory-keeping") can have a powerful effect on families and individuals?

This beautiful, touching video from The Church of Jesus Christ who sponsors RootsTech highlights real experiences of people discovering how important their stories are to their loved ones.  It is SO WORTH the 7 minute watch! 

The truth is:  You matter.  Your story--your life, your impact--is worth remembering.

What Makes Your Story Important

Not too long ago, I was invited to write a short guest post about what your story (your story, your family's story) means to others and the power it has!  Photos and stories have been shown in studies to increase self-esteem, increase happiness, increase relaxation, and decrease stress.  

Read more at my article The Powerful Effects of Memory-Keeping on Families.

In fact, if you'd like to know just how good for you preserving your photos, stories, and memories is, check out this impressive list of benefits.

Easily Preserving Your Story and Photos

Preserving your stories, photos, and memories doesn't have to be hard.  In fact, it's better when it's easy because you're more likely to do it, and you're more likely to do it soon while memories are fresh.

So I've made two tutorial videos that will help.  Tell your own legacy story this way

or preserve your everyday stories and memories this way.

The legacy story tutorial is longer than the yearbook tutorial because it was part of a class I taught, so you'll learn about the importance of legacy and get some resources and helpful ideas for where to start when preserving your legacy story.  The yearbook tutorial shows you the basics and then you're ready to go.

Both use free, web-based software that is very intuitive and easy to use, and both will be professionally printed using the highest quality inks, papers, and bindings in the industry.  You want your preserved memories to last for years and years to come!  This link can also help you get started.

NOTE:  I am a Forever affiliate (a decision I made because I love it so much), so you will find several affiliate links in this post, from which I earn a commission if you make a purchase, at no extra cost to you.

Your story is worth remembering.  So, don't wait!  You will benefit from the process of preserving and recording your memories, and so will your loved ones.

Know someone who needs to preserve their story, too?  Use the social media
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etc., or Pin this image to Pinterest to save and share.

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Friday, May 3, 2024

An Easy Way to Get ALL the Photos from Your Wedding

I don't have to tell you that wedding photos are precious.  They're the kind of things that get passed down in families for generations.  They're the kind of thing we want to make sure we keep safe.  


Wedding photos come in all shapes and sizes, from professional photos to the ones snapped by your grandma or your BFF.  Maybe your second cousin captures the perfect one-of-a-kind shot of the groom with that look in his eyes.

Wouldn't it be nice to get all the photos taken at your wedding?

Well, you can!  Here's how.

This brilliant idea comes from my dear friend and fellow memory-keeping consultant Carol who did this when her daughter got married.  It's a fun and easy way to encourage guests to take their own photos at the wedding/reception/dinner/luncheon and share them easily with the couple!

First I'll explain the general idea of how this awesome approach works, and then I'll tell you exactly how YOU can do it!

NOTE:  I am a Forever affiliate (a decision I made because I love it so much), so you will find affiliate links in this post, from which I earn a commission if you make a purchase, at no extra cost to you.


We talked last time about how Forever is the best website to store your wedding photos and videos because it's guaranteed private, secure, and yours for your lifetime plus 100 years.  Many cloud storage options don't even have a short-term promise, let alone a long-term vision.

Not exactly what wedding photos deserve.

There's no monthly maintenance fee with Forever Storage, either.  You buy your storage and then you own it!  (And using the Photo-Themed Bridal Shower idea we went over last time means you might not even have to buy it!  Woot!) 


Carol's daughter and her husband came up with an adorable nickname for themselves, Hunny & the Bee, which I will use here in reference to them.  

#1 Before the wedding, Hunny & the Bee opened a free Forever account.  Forever accounts include 2 GB of free storage for photos and videos.  Remember:  Forever Storage is forever!

Then, in their Forever Storage, they set up an album called Our Wedding and set it to Public visibility.  A Public setting is great for group events because multiple people can contribute to the album if you set it that way.   

Of course, you can set the wedding album to Private (or Friends & Family) view at any time you want after the wedding festivities.

You can see what that would look like by scanning this QR code:

#2 - Because Hunny & the Bee had a new account, Forever gave them a $20 welcome coupon (good for 60 days).  They used the $20 toward making a card using Forever's high-quality cards that would include the photo-sharing information for the guests at the event.  This could be done at a luncheon, reception, or practice dinner, or any good photo op where you can leave a card for guests at a table, or on a chair.

The cards are awesome, but that's our next section.  For now you just need to know:

That's all they had to do before the wedding.


On their special day, they placed the cards they had created and ordered (see an example below) at each table at the reception, asking guests to take photos of the couple and of themselves during the festivities, and then upload them to this Public album. 

On the card was a QR code that linked right to the Our Wedding album, so guests could upload right from there.  (Forever albums can be shared using a QR code or a simple link.)  

You should know that all of this is impressive but really convenient, too--the album already creates its own QR code to share, etc.  Plus, I'm here to help!  (P.S. Answering questions to get people started with Forever is always a free service I provide!)

Here's the back of the card, explaining this process to the guests.

How incredibly cool is it that your guests now get to make a journal or mug or cool tabletop panel or book (etc.) for themselves for free using their $20 coupon and their own personal photos in their own personal accounts!


There may be an extra bonus here for you, too!  The QR code that links to your album in your Forever account acts as a referral link.   

Each guest who opens a new Forever account AND orders something where they spend at least 1 cent, you'll get a $20 coupon!  (Remember, they can use their $20 welcome coupon for something and pay the difference if there is one.)

You can certainly spend your coupons on any of the items shown above, or a blanket, wall canvas, etc., but don't forget the wedding photo-memory book and the permanent, secure digital photo and video storage I mentioned last time.  Those would be awesome uses for any $20 coupons that may come your way!  You can use multiple coupons on the same item, too.


I recommend testing this out ahead of time with a friend so you can see how it works and make sure you've got it set up properly and be able to answer questions if needed.  I would love to help you do that!  My contact information is here.  

Here are the steps for what you need to do:

  1. Set up your Forever account at this link Using this link connects you to me so that I'm your consultant and I can help you with any questions you have along the way.  Check your email so you can verify your email address and then get the $20 coupon.
  2. Set up an album in your Forever account following these directions.  Your free Forever account includes 2 GB free photo storage.  At this point, only put a few photos of the couple in this album so that there is plenty of space for guest uploads.  You'll put photographer photos in later, too.  IMPORTANT:  When setting up your Our Wedding album (or whatever you want to call it), set the visibility to Public (you'll be prompted to choose a visibility), then click "share" above the album (shown below) to slide the "Allow others to upload?" toggle to allow other people to upload photos to the album.  A Public setting allows anyone to view, but you specifically have to allow others to upload to your album.                                                                  

  3. Choose a card design.  Logged in to your Forever account, click "Create and Print" along the top, then select Cards under Design & Print.  Choose a thank you card (or another design if you like).  The back of the card is fully editable, and you can write a whole paragraph or two or three thanking guests for attending and instructions on how to upload photos to your Our Wedding album. (See instruction verbiage ideas in the image above.) Note:  If you prefer to design your own card, ask me about Artisan, Forever's digital scrapbooking software.  I also hire out to make personalized products using Artisan.
  4. Create a card with these instructions for each person's table setting (or a few cards per table, if you prefer) following the instructions here.  This is very simple to do (and very elegant!) using Forever's free Design & Print software, which you can access right from your Forever account.   Don't forget to include the QR code to your Our Wedding album--that's the most important part!  I can help you if needed--don't hesitate to ask!
I recommend placing the cards on the table alternating, some with the card front showing and some with the card back showing.  This way, the guests are more likely to notice that the cards are double-sided.  We don't want them to miss the all-important information on the back!!  (If you do use the envelopes, I recommend stuffing them with the message side showing when opened.)

While this is a creative and fun way to get all the photos from different points of view during your wedding/reception/luncheon/dance (etc.), it is certainly likely that there may be some photos uploaded that you don't love.  Shhhh... don't tell, but deleting them later is easy!  :)  

Who do you know who would love this great idea my friend Carol did at her daughter's wedding?  Share this post using the share buttons at the left, or Pin this image below to Pinterest to save it for later.

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Friday, April 5, 2024

The Many Benefits of a Photo-Themed Bridal Shower (with freebies!)

A friend of mine just held the most creative bridal shower that gave her daughter such a unique gift:  her wedding photos preserved for generations to come!

My friend's ideas were brilliant, and I'm so excited to share with you what she did.

Her daughter's bridal shower was photo themed.  The event itself was a digital Make & Take.  Guests brought laptops and created photo gifts at the Forever website--created digitally and then ordered with professional publishing.  

And here's the trick:  The bride-to-be used her referral link for her own Forever account, which matters for a very important reason. 


When someone opens their new Forever account using your referral link, you get a $20 coupon as a thanks for referring them.  AND they get a $20 coupon, too!  

I know there's a lot going on here, so let's get back to the bridal shower itself so I can explain how this whole awesome idea works.

NOTE:  I am a Forever affiliate (a decision I made because I love it so much), so you will find affiliate links in this post, from which I earn a commission if you make a purchase, at no extra cost to you.

The Photo-Themed Bridal Shower


Guests arrive to the photo-themed bridal shower.  Hugs are exchanged and goodies are eaten.  And then, instead of bridal shower games, everyone sits down with their individual laptops.  Guests are given the bride's referral link and open their new Forever accounts.  (Anyone who is already a Forever user can still participate but won't receive a coupon.)  

Next, everyone creates chooses a photo item to create.  This part of the bridal shower can go one of two ways.

Option 1:  Let guests create something on their own, kind of like a parting thank-you gift that will be delivered to their homes in a week or two.  Maybe a mug or blanket or ornament.  Maybe a canvas for the wall.  Maybe a steel water bottle or a calendar.

Option 2:  Let the guests create something for the bride!  If you go this route, it's best for the bride to come with a wish list (complete with prices; check current sale prices) and photos she would like used in the projects.  Maybe the couple would like a gallery-wrapped canvas like this

or a set of cork-backed coasters like this

Because everyone will be creating these top-quality items using a free, simple software platform right at the Forever website called Design & Print, there's nothing complicated about it.  There's nothing to download or install--you just need an internet connection.  

The learning curve for Design & Print is almost a straight line.  You can see how easy it is to use at this video tutorial about making canvases or this one about making yearbooks.

Once everyone has created their photo items, they need to check their emails and claim their new account coupons.  Guests can use those coupons to order the items they've just created, paying any difference at checkout.  Then they can order their items.    

And that's when the coupons start rolling in for the bride.  A Forever $20 referral thanks coupon is generated once the person who opened their new account places an order of at least 1 cent, after their own welcome coupons were applied.  


Maybe the bride-to-be just got some gifts that her bridal shower attendees made for her, but maybe it was just a fun party where people made cards, calendars, water bottles, or books for themselves.  Either way, every order placed (or at least 1 cent) generated a $20 coupon for the bride.

So, if--let's say--12 guests attend the bridal shower (and use the bride's referral link to open a new Forever account and spend at least $0.01 on the order), the bride will receive $240 in referral rewards coupons.  She has 60 days to use the coupons, and there's a lot she can do with them!  Keep reading to see options for the bride-to-be to use the coupons.

By the way, an item on the bride's wish list could also be a Forever gift certificate.  Gift certificates are available in increments from $5 - $1000.  The bride would receive an email like this:  

Before I get to the two big things the bride can use all her gift certificates for, let's talk about the big thing you're probably wondering.

So, how can I make this happen?

You may be wondering how you can pull off such a fun idea!  Whether you're a bride or someone who would throw the bridal shower, don't worry.  I'm the best free resource you'll ever have!  I can help with the bridal shower in any way you need, from the logistics of how to give everyone the referral link at the shower to how to guide guests through creating a photo project.  

I've hosted too many events to count, so trust me when I tell you I can help you with all the set-up.  I could even be on speed dial (or Zoom!) during the shower if you have questions.  Contact me with any questions you have now.  Because this is an amazing bridal shower idea!

How to Use the Coupons from the Bridal Shower:  Preserving Photos in Print and/or Digitally 

You won't be surprised when I tell you that wedding photos and videos should be preserved with care.  (Not unlike the rest of our photos, truth be told.)  

What most people don't know is that there are two ways to preserve photos.  One is digitally, and the other is in print.  In fact, photo experts always suggest print as one of the best ways to preserve photos and memories.

So the bride can use her Forever coupons (and gift certificates) for either or both.  (Reason #276 why Forever is the best at memory-keeping.)  Anyway, I'll tell you a little about both.

Print Photo Preservation with Forever

WHY YOU WANT IT:  Forever uses the highest-in-the-industry binding so pages never yellow and fall out (unlike most companies who use glue in the bindings) as well as archival-quality ink and papers.  Forever print products come with a 100% satisfaction guarantee.  When you create books with Forever, you'll also have a digital version (a PDF) saved in your account as well. 

With a handful of guests, the bride is likely to get her wedding book (or guest sign in book) free using the Forever referral coupons she gets.  

While it's true that photo professionals recommend saving your photos BOTH digitally and in print, it is equally true that there's just nothing like having a tactile book of your memories to physically hold in your hands.

Print is easily accessible (has your laptop or phone ever run out of battery or had a cracked screen?) and is recommended by professionals because photos printed with high quality can last upwards of 200 years.  Printed photos also have the benefit of space to write, and writing memories that go with your photos truly brings the photos to life.  You get to tell your story!

It's the story that gives your photos meaning!

You could certainly use Artisan, Forever's amazing digital scrapbooking software (my fave!!) for its creativity and flexibility, but I find that people who want to get their books done in a snap while still getting top quality really love the Design & Print templates and software.  

You can see how easy it is right here:

Digital Photo Preservation with Forever

WHY YOU WANT IT:  Just like not all photo printing products are created equal, not all digital photo storage is created equal, either.  It really makes a big difference which services you trust your photos to.  

These are some hints on why the bride would want to use Forever for those precious photos and videos from the wedding--and from a lifetime together moving forward.

And this article covers why it's so very important to know what you're signing up for with digital photo storage.  

And it's not just about storing your photos.  It's about being able to easily share them, too.  There are so many perks to Forever Storage.

In fact, Forever Storage is very unusual, which makes it a pretty big deal.  It's the safest place for your wedding photos and videos.  Here are a handful of the benefits:

  • You can save photo files, video files, audio files, and PDFs in your Forever Storage.  (If you don't think you have audio files, think about special voicemails you'd love to keep forever! Learn how to save voicemails here. PDFs include your print projects in digital form, which makes them both shareable digitally and re-printable.)
  • Anything saved in your Forever Storage is guaranteed for your lifetime plus 100 years, and you can appoint an administrator to your account to make sure your loved ones always have access to your photos.
  • It's storage you own.  You don't "rent" it by paying a monthly fee like many other digital cloud services.  Because of this, Forever can't discontinue their services like other companies reserve rights to.  In addition, it's something you can pass down to another generation without any maintenance fees.
  • Forever retains no rights to your photos, will not/cannot sell or delete them, will not mine your data.  (This is not true for the majority of digital cloud photo services, including Google.)
  • Forever triple-backs up everything in your Forever Storage using bank-encrypted security and employs a security team to continually monitor its safety.  (My photos are much safer in my Forever Storage than they are on my computer at my house!)
  • Organization in your Forever Storage is easy (see this short tutorial video), and you can set albums to be visible in three settings:  Private, Friends & Family, and Public.  For Friends & Family, you need to "friend," to borrow Facebook verbiage, other Forever users you know who you would like to be able to see your albums.
  • You can get the free Forever app for easy photo uploading from your phone or tablet (and even choose the auto-sync option if you want).

You can even add a description and tag photos in Forever Storage, too!  You can see here my description and the tags I've added to this photo.

The bride can use the $20 coupons and/or the gift certificates to buy Forever Storage!  Choose 10 GB, 25 GB, 100 GB, or even a TB!  

Place the storage package you wish to purchase in your cart, and then enter all the coupons in the "use a coupon or promotional code" field.  Click the "Deals" tab along the top to see the current sale price on Storage, and copy and paste the code in this same field as well.  If you have gift certificates, use those codes in the "use a gift certificate" field.

Forever Club is optional but would give you an additional savings on both digital photo storage and print photo storage (your wedding album book) of 5% on top of any other current sales.  Learn more about it at that link. 

Wouldn't this make a creative, fun, and unforgettable bridal shower?  It's an important and useful way to throw a bridal shower, but also so enjoyable to see, share, and preserve precious photos and memories. 

A huge thank you to Carol and to Hunny & the Bee (the bride and groom) for sharing this absolutely brilliant idea!  

Using all the perks and benefits of Forever to preserve a wedding couple's photos and memories for them for free (or at least discounted), while giving guests a chance to enjoy their own shower-made photo goodie, is a win-winLet me help you do it for that special bride you know (or are)!  :)

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