This is what I love about what I do. So many people have a batrillion digital photos and
- don't have a good system for actually doing something with them
- are overwhelmed at the amount of photos they have
- don't think they have the time to do anything with their photos

Photos need to be held, loved, seen, looked at, and interacted with. They need to be enjoyed.
And the truth is, we need our photos.
I love inspiring people to do something with their photos, but mostly I love giving them SOLUTIONS. Talking about it is great, but unless there's something to SOLVE the issue, what's the point?
I promise you right now that there's no time like the present. I know that it's tempting to think things like "after the summer is over," or "once I get the yard done" or "after this big thing I have going on at work" or "when my kids get older" or ...
And the truth is, we need our photos.
Life at its best is a little rough, don't you think? But photos preserved are roses in December. Photos and memories have the power to lift us, to change us.
I love inspiring people to do something with their photos, but mostly I love giving them SOLUTIONS. Talking about it is great, but unless there's something to SOLVE the issue, what's the point?
I promise you right now that there's no time like the present. I know that it's tempting to think things like "after the summer is over," or "once I get the yard done" or "after this big thing I have going on at work" or "when my kids get older" or ...
But the truth is that as soon as that one thing happens or gets done, another one will take its place. I heard someone once say that we have too much to do so that we will learn what's really important. So please don't get tricked into thinking that some day in the future you will have more opportunities to do something with your photos.
The time is right now.
1. Choose a memory-keeping solution that works for you.
Let's be honest: if a memory-keeping method isn't a good fit for you, you're just not going to do it. (I know that's true for me!) Find something that fits.
My best recommendations for {heirloom-quality products with guaranteed photo privacy are right here at this link}, so look around there and see what looks great to you. Do you want full creativity and flexibility in a digital scrapbooking software program, or do you want get-'er-done-quick simplicity with pre-designed templates? There are some videos at the link to give you peeks into each option, too.
2. Make time.
Contrary to popular belief, we never actually "find" time for anything--we MAKE it. Can you cut out 2 hours of Facebook/TV/etc. time each week? Can you enlist the help of your kids so it's a project you're doing together? Can you reserve the same time of the day each week--Sunday mornings or Friday nights--as YOUR memory-keeping time? My suggestion is to actually put it on your calendar--truly MAKE TIME for your memory-keeping. Then honor your appointment with yourself.
I have a whole collection of {resources of tips on time here.} See what you find most helpful.
And if you're not 100% sure about making time for memory-keeping, the first thing you should know is that {kids benefit enormously} from having their stories (photos+memories) preserved, and the second thing you should know is that {memory-keeping actually has good-for-you wellness effects}. It's {self-care}!
3. Get some help.
Is {Photo Overwhelm} keeping you from even starting? Is time an issue? Is {money} an issue? Would {working with someone else} help you DO your good intentions? (All these links can help!)
I've been coaching people on memory-keeping for over 11 years now, and I've listed several tips in the {"tips"} tab here at the blog. See if there's a suggestion for overcoming your particular struggle.
Remember, too, that I'm a Photo & Story Treasures CONSULTANT--and that means I consult. So don't hesitate to {contact me} for suggestions, ideas, pointers, or help getting started. I've been doing this for a long time, and I have come up with a big handful of solutions. Here's an example of a great solution:
Remember, too, that I'm a Photo & Story Treasures CONSULTANT--and that means I consult. So don't hesitate to {contact me} for suggestions, ideas, pointers, or help getting started. I've been doing this for a long time, and I have come up with a big handful of solutions. Here's an example of a great solution:
And definitely don't miss the {"Our Community and Events"} tab because it is always updated with the latest online events and classes (among other things) that I hold. Most of them are free.
Let me help you navigate the world of too many photos and too little time. #dontletyourbabiesgrowuptobejpegs