Saturday, November 11, 2023

Your Curated Holiday Reading List for our 14th Blogiversary

Today's our birthday!  LifeTales Books is celebrating 14 years of blogging about photos, memories, family connections, stories, and more (including some time management and self-care/wellness)!  Woo hoo!

We're going to celebrate with a comfy reading list for you!  Enjoy it today or on an upcoming holiday, complete with a blanket and something warm to drink.

This reading list is made up of the top 3 most-read posts at the blog since last November, and the most popular article ever posted here!  Cozy up and click the blue links to read & enjoy. 


The third-most popular post over the last year is an eye-opener for most people!  If you missed it in May, don't miss it now!

Why You Actually Want to Buy Digital Photo Storage (with a pro tip)

Coming in at #2, we have one of the funnest posts I've ever written, in part because it's an awesome life hack, and in part because it's a dreamy travelogue:

How to Safeguard Photos While Traveling (ft. Favorite European Christmas Markets Itinerary)

And the most popular post here since our last blogiversary is:

Conquer Your Photos Workshop (with video recordings)

(Which, frankly, doesn't surprise me because there is SO. MUCH. useful and helpful information there!  Life changing.  Really.)

You're probably ready to cozy up and read, but don't forget--there's one more post on our blogiversary reading list!


For the bonus part of your holiday reading list, here's the most popular post since 2009 when this little blog was born:

How to Create Photo and Story Treasures

Happy reading and happy holidays!  


Don't forget to Pin, share, and comment on any article you particularly enjoy.  Happy holidays!  Make lots of memories, take lots of pictures, and then preserve them both.

Follow Photo & Story Treasures on social media here:

Hooray!  This blog post was a featured favorite here: