What to Do When You Have So Many Pictures You Don't Know What To Do š
Listed below are several articles, tips, steps, and even video tutorials to help you catch up on preserving your photos when you haven't done it for a while. Click around to see what helps you most.
{When Photo Overload Becomes Photo Overwhelm} is an article designed to take the overwhelming part out of memory-keeping, with some specific steps and suggestions.
This article provides you with a {Two-in-One Plan} to catch up on preserving your photos while you're still taking more photos and making more memories every day.
"Overwhelm is an emotion created by our brains. Our brains try to sell us on overwhelm because being overwhelmed is easier than figuring things out." -Jody Moore
My favorite solution for catching up on photos is a DIY Yearbook. Keep in mind that this is not just a product--it's a whole strategy.
You can learn about the strategy and a lot of details here and why I recommend it as the go-to solution for everyone who needs to get pictures off their phones or cameras so they can actually be seen and enjoyed.
You can learn about the strategy and a lot of details here and why I recommend it as the go-to solution for everyone who needs to get pictures off their phones or cameras so they can actually be seen and enjoyed.
This is the simplest and fastest way I've ever seen to create a Yearbook while still getting an heirloom-quality book from a company with a photo privacy promise.
If you're ready to catch up on your photos, get started here.