Monday, January 2, 2023

Conquer Your Photos Workshop (with video recordings)

In 18 years of helping people with their memory-keeping, I see a lot of people stuck.  It's hard to know who to trust your photos to, it's challenging to find a top-quality yet doable method of preserving your photos and memories in pages, and it's overwhelming to stay on top of your photo organization when you don't have a great system.  

I have discovered the BEST resource for digitally storing, organizing, sharing, and printing photos in pages!  Because it's the best I've seen in 18 years of helping people with their memory-keeping, I can't help but share it!  It addresses every photo problem I've heard of!

If you missed the live workshop on March 15, you can find recordings of all the segments below!

This workshop is designed to give you all the tools you need to take care of, enjoy, share, and see your photos, both digitally and in print.  It's powerful information because it will help you with every memory-keeping challenge you have.  

You'll learn things you never knew about photos and story (=your memories) and so much more!  Here's the agenda for the workshop.  Choose specific segments you're interested in, or watch the whole workshop! 

NOTE:  I am a Forever affiliate (a decision I made because I love it so much), so you will find affiliate links in this post, from which I earn a commission if you make a purchase, at no extra cost to you.

SEGMENT 1:  Why Your Photos Matter So Much

Watch this 7-minute segment here:

SEGMENT 2: How to Choose a Memory-Keeping Company

Watch this 12-minute segment here:

Segment 3:  Where to Start - How to Catch Up

Watch this 9-minute segment here:

Segment 4: Benefits of Memory-Keeping with Forever

Watch this 12-minute segment here:

Segment 5:  Organizing and Storing Photos with Forever

Watch this 10-minute segment here:

Segment 6:  How to Upload Photos to Forever (to Your Forever Storage)

Watch this 7-minute segment here:

Segment 7:  Simplest Options for Preserving Photos and Memories in Pages

Watch this 13-minute segment here:

Segment 8:  Creative Digital Scrapbooking for Full Flexibility on Pages

Watch this 14-minute segment here:

Segment 9:  Get Started!  Work Time and Q&A

Note:  We spent this time in the workshop doing some of the things we've learned so far, so it was not recorded.  To join our regular online work times, find Photo Rodeo information at this link.

Segment 10:  It's Not Just Photos: Why Story Matters, with guest presenter(s) Heidi and Candi from Nicholas Fern Storybooks

Watch this 14-minute segment here:

Segment 11:  Tips For Consistency (and More!)

Watch this 8-minute segment here:

All the segments of this workshop combined will give you not only the ideas, tips, and strategies for successful memory-keeping, but some all-important tools to use! 

Which was your favorite segment, and what was your biggest takeaway from the Conquer Your Photos Workshop?  We'd love to know, so tell us in the comments below.

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  1. Replies
    1. Thank you, Carol! I hope so! I'd love to have you join me in March.

  2. Sounds interesting. Thanks so much for linking up at the Unlimited Link Party 99. Shared.

    1. I think it will be! There's so much great information for me to share--I'm excited about it. Thanks for the comment and the share!

  3. Not a bad idea at all. It takes soooo much time to edit and organise photos, wish there would be a way to speed it up....

    1. I hope you'll come to the workshop--I've got some great tips for organization, and the app is super helpful, too! Thanks for reading and commenting. :)

  4. Visiting again to say thanks so much for linking up at the #UnlimitedLinkParty 101. Shared.

  5. Oh, thank you for this. I have tons of photos, then add the ones I received after my parents passing and wow!
    Thank you again!
    Have a great week 😀

    1. You're very welcome, Tina! I'm so happy this will be helpful for you! Yes, I know it can really be a lot. The whole workshop is broken up into segments, so you can make progress one "bite" at a time. :) I'm so glad you stopped by!

  6. This looks valuable and comprehensive, Jennifer. I'll be going through all the videos in more detail when I get a bit of a chance to breath. (We're kid sitting this weekend -- 5 and 7. And we're whipped!) But it's so organized and while I think I have a pretty good handle on things, I know there is always room for improvement!

    1. How fun to be kid-sitting, but I totally understand feeling whipped. :) Yes, when you have some time, I hope you'll enjoy going through the videos. I did indeed try to make it comprehensive and organized. I'm so glad you'll be checking out the information in the videos to see how it can help you, Jeanie! So happy you stopped by. Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us here, too.

  7. Oh, I just love that you provide these photo workshops. They are wonderful and packed with great information. Thank you, Jennifer, for sharing your post with us at The Crazy Little Lovebirds link party #42.♡

    1. You're very welcome, Stephanie. I like breaking it up into smaller segments, too. And, yes, they are packed! :) Thanks for stopping by and checking it out.

  8. This is SO informative Jen.
    Thank You so much for sharing this workshop with Sweet Tea & Friend's June link-up.

    1. Oh, I'm glad you enjoyed it. Yes, I tried to really cover "everything you need to know" here while breaking it up into digestible segments. :) Thanks for stopping by, and for hosting the link-up, too.


This blog is intended to be a positive, informative, inspiring place, so any comments that match this vision are welcome.