Friday, October 23, 2015

How to Give Gifts That Won't Be Re-Gifted

This post was updated in 2023.

Raise of hands--who would like to give amazing gifts (that are sure to be loved and not re-gifted) without the hassle of going to the store???  How great would that be??  Well, you're in luck because I'm about to tell you how.

These gifts are meaningful, personal, and never-to-be-forgotten.  They are guaranteed to not be re-gifted!

From photos and memories of a special event preserved in professionally-designed pages (even if you're "not a scrapbooker") to

a personalized notebook (hardbound or spiral-bound) where you can choose lined, dotted, blank, graph, or bullet journal pages.

How about some more fun and fast ideas?  Printed at the highest quality in the industry?  Yes, please!  

You can find coaster sets, steel water bottles, mugs, ornaments, cards, calendars, and many more possibilities at the Design & Print-- a free software program by Forever.  Even memory books come together quickly using the beautiful (free) Design & Print templates.  Each template for any of these items has photo and text place holders that you just fill in!  It's so quick and easy.

And let's be real--who COULDN'T use a "10 reasons I love you" book?  (Find the neutral template here and the pastel template here.)

To be guided right through a few more fun and fast ideas, step by step, have a look at my previous Fast, Fun Friday! events right here. 

And here's a special one I just made (2023).  My daughter is one of the hardest workers I know, so when she graduated from college we took her on a trip of her choosing.  She chose Ireland--a place she'd dreamed of going, and a place that I never knew I wanted to go.  It will always be in my heart.  It's the most beautiful place!  So I made her a plush blanket with pictures from our trip.  I can't believe the vivid colors of this gorgeous blanket showcasing some true favorite moments and locations.

Note: There are many awesome blanket templates in Design & Print
Forever's free software, but I created this using Artisan, Forever's 
digital scrapbooking software
so I could use my own font for Ireland.

This is the preview of my blanket before printing.

Another one of my favorites for a fast but top-quality gift is the Tabletop Panel.  It is a lovely way to showcase photos, but it has another pretty great feature.

It has a glossy surface, so you can actually write on it with a dry-erase marker!  I absolutely love my meal planner Tabletop Panel!

Let's get this show on the road!  Here's all you need to do to make unforgettable, beautiful, high-quality, personalized gifts.  Get started with these three steps:
  1. Make a list of family members and friends you'd like to give gifts to.  Dream big!  Gift-giving with Photo & Story Treasures means you can give something really special.  Club means you don't have to pay for it all at once!
  2. Next, explore lots of ideas here and see the different possibilities for printing meaningful gifts here, from an "easy-button" publishing platform to a quick & simple template platform to a fully creative and flexible digital scrapbooking platform.  It doesn't matter which one you choose because all the projects you print are heirloom-quality and include a 100% satisfaction guarantee.
  3. Don't miss additional savings, too!  You can see current Deals (sales) here.   (And this is another fabulous option for more savings.) 
Give yourself a couple of weeks for printing and shipping.  I love doing this at Christmastime because I get all my "shopping" is DONE in November, which means I can relax in December!!  

Now THAT'S a great idea!

Don't hesitate to contact me with questions!  I love helping people create and give such meaningful gifts.  Check out the Christmas in September plan for more ideas and savings.

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Friday, October 2, 2015

I'm not a salesperson

This post was updated 2022.

"I'm just not a salesperson."

I've said it.  It's such a habit I still say it.  So what makes me think I can work in a direct-sales business for the last 10+ years?

Because I AM a salesperson.  We all are.
  • You ate at a great restaurant and posted about it on Facebook, telling your friends they HAD TO go try it.  Sold!
  • You read a great book and recommended it to a neighbor who ordered it from right away.  Sold!
  • You saw a new movie and called your sister to tell her she and her family would love it.  They see it the same weekend.  Sold!
  • You found a great service in your local community that you know moms would love so you tell your friends and they all start using it.  Sold!
  • You find an heirloom-quality, time-saving way to put your pictures in beautiful photo-storybooks.  You tell your friends about it and why you love it.  They're hooked.  Sold!
  • You finally find a digital photo storage company that is private, doesn't reserve rights to your photos, doesn't charge a monthly upkeep fee, lets you store photo, video, and audio files, and includes automatic file migration should any of your files become outdated--with a guarantee for your lifetime +100 years.  You tell your friends about it and they're thrilled to find this unique company.  Sold!
  • You start a social digital scrapbooking group to help you and those friends make time to work on your photo projects.  Your friends invite friends.  Sold!

What's the only problem with all these sales?  Your friends are all happy.  These are fantastic products and services.  So what's the problem?  

You're not the one making money.  The restaurant is, the bookstore is, the movie theater is...

As a "non-salesperson" myself, I know from experience that all you have to do to have a successful, fun, enjoyable business is love what you're doing.  

In truth, a salesperson is simply "one whose job involves promoting or selling commercial products." (   We naturally promote products and things that we enjoy and love.   

So think about this:  You need a photo solution, and so does everyone you know.

Sharing it with some Referral Rewards is pretty slick, but I personally love sharing it for a paycheck.  I love having a memory-keeping business, despite not being a salesperson, because I'm sharing something everyone needs, something that can benefit people for generations!  I set my own hours and my own goals, doing my business my way.  (No pressure and no minimum sales requirement are big reasons this works so well for me, too!)

I love sharing photo and memory-keeping solutions because there are SO MANY emotional and social benefits for people who do it.  One of my favorite research statistics about memory-keeping and photos is that it increases happiness by 11% and increases relaxation by 22%.  

If anyone needs that half as much as I do, I'm in business!  (Read more about that study here, and you'll see why this is true:)

I've put all the details of what I do as a memory-keeping consultant, why it's so needed, and why you might love it, too. 

Being a memory-keeping consultant never needs to feel like a sales position because it's really just sharing what you love.  Just like telling someone about your favorite restaurant or grocery service.  Have fun with it and see where it takes you!  

Plus, I'm here with over a decade of experience and ideas to help with whatever you like.  It can become such a meaningful way to make a paycheck that even introverts like me love it!  (Read about my introvert business thoughts at that link.)

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