Monday, June 12, 2017

photos are a gift... with power

How true is this for anything else we spend our time and money on?  Not very!

The reason I love photos so much--and the reason I think they're one of the most valuable things we will ever own--is because of my own experience.  I think of so many moments that have passed and people I don't get to be with any more.  When I have photos of these moments and people, I actually get them back to the fullest extent possible.

In fact, I de-stress from today by {visiting yesterday}.  And it works!!

Preserving photos with their stories (our memories) is such a gift and has inherent power to increase happiness and self-esteem, heal hearts, and strengthen relationships.  It has a grounding, centering effect and even reduces stress.  It's the ultimate in self-care.

Don't wait for these benefits--get started right now at the "how to get started" tab in red above.  You'll thank me, I promise.