Is there a place, a smell, or a
song that makes you feel like you’re home? What traditions make you feel
like all is right in the world? Feelings of {nostalgia} and belonging take us to happy
places. Especially in today’s busy world of distractions, getting in
touch –or staying in touch– with our roots is vital. We need to connect
and to feel at home. Traditions do that for us. Places do that for
us. Looking back at photos and recorded memories does that for us.
you heard the story of {Bobbie the Wonder Dog}? Bobbie lived with his
family in Silverton, Oregon, in 1923. His family, the Braziers, took him
on a road trip to Indiana. Not far from their destination, they stopped
for gas. Bobbie was charged by a pack of dogs and ran off. The
Braziers thought Bobbie would eventually show up at the home where they were
staying, but he never did. They searched for Bobbie, but had to
eventually return to Oregon without him.
months later, a mangy-looking Bobbie was spotted walking the streets of
Silverton. He had walked over 2,500 miles, crossing rivers and mountains
to get back home.
Like Bobbie, our longing for home is innate. We
feel connected somewhere. It might be the place we grew up or a place
where we feel peace.
have several “little” happy places, but my two main happy places are: the
beach and the campus of my alma mater. Many people love the beach, but
the main reason it’s a happy place for me is that I have sweet memories of
going to the Oregon Coast with my grandparents. I remember finding agates
and starfish with my grandpa. It’s my happy place because it’s beautiful
and peaceful, but also because I’m always happy there. Similarly, the
campus of my alma mater is full of happy memories. I LOVED college.
I met my husband there, I loved collegiate life, and I loved everything I
learned there. Every time I go back, I’m happy just walking the sidewalks
and visiting the bookstore. It’s really my happy place.
love the experience shared by Rachel Trotter in {“The
Power of Place.”} The town where she grew up, was married, and
is raising her children is home to her, but she feels a similar belonging in a
place she doesn’t actually frequent that often. Her father grew up in a
little town in Texas, and as Rachel grew up, she and her family would go back
to visit during the summertime. She wrote:
are no words to describe the feelings when we stopped at the Cleburne sign for a
family picture or when my son stepped onto the football stadium where his
grandpa won a state championship – [hallowed] ground for my football-loving
family. It was pure joy to see and feel all those memories of love and home and
to share them with my husband, children, sister and her children. It was pure
joy for me as I walked into the cemetery. I couldn’t help but feel emotion as I
saw name after name I recognized my dad talking about over the years, names on
a genealogy fan chart that I realize are real people – my kindred – my blood. I
imagined the hardscrabble life they led – tying their babies in trees to work
the fields to protect them from wolves – killing snakes with hoes on the daily
– unimaginable to me today. The power of place there was something special."
can be special things. Like Rachel, places can cause us to appreciate
those who have gone before us. It can help us feel tied to those we
love. Places can draw us there because we are connected.
Another way we connect with each other is through traditions.
From reading
bedtime stories to making gingerbread houses, family traditions create
meaningful ways to connect. Traditions strengthen family connections and
relationships within families. Family traditions are often fun, memorable
occasions. I think one of the biggest
reasons that family traditions resonate with us so much and touch our hearts is
simply this: it’s quality time spent together.
of my favorite traditions from my childhood involve holidays or food –something
special and out of the ordinary– but traditions can be very simple, too. What about: Friends Night, writing letters to grandparents every week, a
back-to-school dinner, family outings once a month?
Traditions help us feel we belong somewhere. Events, places,
sights, and smells all contribute to our sense of belonging. Like Bobbie
the Wonder Dog, we all long for home, in whatever form that may be.
Chances are, you have photos of your family traditions.
you take pictures of your Christmas gingerbread house tradition or your summer
family reunion tradition or your birthday breakfast tradition? Where are
those photos now? This double-edged sword we call digital photography
usually means that most people have hundreds and hundreds of photos that they
don’t have time to do anything with. But have
you ever thought of preserving your favorite photos AS a family tradition?
Memory-keeping (often thought of as "scrapbooking") is often just an item on Mom’s to-do list, but the process of memory-keeping is
something the family can enjoy together! The process of going through
photos, picking favorites, and then preserving them with the memories you have
of them can be a great bonding time.
If you're ready to create a memory-keeping tradition in your family, here are FIVE STEPS to beginning
this tradition: {“Preserving Pictures as a Family Tradition.”} Try them and see what effect this
tradition has on the relationships and happiness of your family!
Family traditions, photos, and memories are the most powerful things we never think about.
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post was originally published at on April 6, 2018, by
Jennifer Wise. You can find lots more #familyhistoryfriday posts by clicking the hashtag below next to Labels.