Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Telling and Recording Adoption Stories

Do you know someone with an adoption story to tell?  An adoptive child, an adoptive parent, and a parent who placed a child for adoption are all people with adoption stories.

There's a lovely article at {adoption.com} called 5 Creative Ways to Document an Adoption Visit.  It's written for those who have placed a child for adoption and visit, but the five suggestions given could be used for anyone telling an adoption story.  And guess what!  LifeTales Books powered by Heritage Makers was mentioned in the article!  Enjoy reading 5 creative ways to record adoption stories and experiences:


There are several ways to help you tell your adoption story.

For heirloom-quality books--how else would you want to preserve an adoption story?--see fantastic options here.

"You always resemble the ones who love you most."  ~Scott Hamilton, former U.S. Olympian, adopted at six weeks old



  1. This is such a fantastic idea! I don't know anyone that has been adopted, but I'm definitely going to keep this in mind for when I do.

    Thanks for joining #WanderingWednesday with Confessions of Parenting!

    1. I know a couple of families who have done this, and it's a really neat thing. Thanks for keeping it in mind. And thanks for stopping by. :)

  2. What a lovely, lovely idea! It's so important for us to share our stories and keep them going!

    1. Thank you, April! It definitely is--telling our stories and recording them and sharing them can really make a big difference!


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